Про властивості Нафтусі дізнається світ

26.11.2013 | Filed under: Публікації

Нещодавно в науковому виданні «Journal of Health Sciences» (№ 9, 2013 рік) було опубліковано статтю «Іmplication of harmony conception for quantitative estimation of perfection of living organisms», колективними авторами якої є В. Жуков, Є Круглій, Т. Королишин, В. Петров та І. Попович, який і повідомив нас про цю публікацію.

Ігор Попович, кандидат медичних наук, завідувач лабораторії бальнеології Інституту фізіології ім. О. Богомольця НАН України, вважає, що серйозні наукові публікації, базовані на багаторічних кропітких дослідженнях властивостей трускавецької цілющої води Нафтуся сприятимуть поінформованості світового співтовариства про властивості наших мінеральних вод. «Публікації в таких серйозних наукових журналах як «Journal of Health Sciences» є свідченням визнання нашої роботи», – каже Ігор Львович.

Пропонуємо ознайомитися із початком публікації.

«In the channel of conception of harmony of energy informative structure as a criterion of its perfection the method of quantitative estimation of measure of harmony of the systems of organism of animal and man is offered. Substantial distinctions are established between the indexes of harmony of different groups of laboratory rats: intact, subject to acute or chronic stress without and with the use of adaptogens; cows of different age-dependent groups; people with the different level of anxiety, and also subject to influence of the structured water and prayer.

According to the concept of C Shannon (1963) developed NP Suvorov and IG Suvorova (2003), the mathematical treatment of the harmony of any complex composite energy-structure – the technical or biological, including the body of animals and humans – a single, unified, and also the principles of harmony and optimality criteria and the technical excellence of their biologic structures. Single universal criterion of optimality and perfection is the maximum Harmon s – the best internal and external harmony, which is equivalent to the maximum autocorrelation (ρ) and a minimum of mutual correlation (r). For the first us in biology and medicine applied this concept to quantify the measure of harmony Information composite neuroendocrine-immune morpho-functional system and metabolism in experimental animals andhumans.

The goal is achieved by means of factor analysis (principal component analysis) (JO Kim, ChW Mueller, 1989), the information field observed data of individuals of different groups. To calculate the coefficients of the group ρ and r used the extended matrix of factor loadings, which contains the correlation of clusters of variables (oblique factors) with secondary and primary factors.

In the first experiment (ІL Popovich, 2011) used 58 rats, divided into 4 groups. Animals of the first group remain intact, i.e. not subjected to any stress. Rats second (control) group for weeks soldered tap water and were then subjected to an acute stress by placing 4 hours in cold water with limited movement. At the same time, the animals of the other two groups received before stress bioactive water Naftusia Truskavets having adaptogenic properties, or reference adaptogen ginseng. Registration performance was carried out a day after the stress.

In the preparatory phase, it was found that all of the information field of 76 indicators of leucopenia and immunocytogramm blood, spleno- and thymocytogramm, neuroendocrine and metabolic status and the state of the gastric mucosa of rats intact group is condensed into 9 clusters of variables in some way correlated with 11 factors (Table 1), 93% of the control group rats information thickened in a matrix of 19 clusters, and 27 factors, and 100% of the information treated animals Naftusia represent clusters 9 and 13 factors, and all the information field of a reference group of rats reduced to seven clusters and 9 factors.

By definition, ideally harmonized system is characterized by maximum autocorrelation, ie when the coefficients of correlation between the elements within the cluster is equal to 1, in combination with a minimum cross-correlation, i.e. when the coefficients of correlation between the elements of different clusters are 0. Significantly, these criteria are most matrix is approximated as intact rat group. The coefficient ρ (within) as the average of the coefficients on the diagonal, was 0,856 ± 0,030, and the coefficient r (between) as the average of the other 90 factors of a matrix – 0,058 ± 0,0 16.Consequently, the value of (ρ-r) as a quantitative measure of harmony is 0,798 ± 0,030.One day after the stress ρ drops to 0,693 ± 0,019 (p <0,001) with no significant changes in r (0,053 ± 0,006), so that the measure of harmony reduced to 0,640 ± 0,019 (20%), indicating our discovery disharmonizing acute stress effect.

Prophylactic use Naftusia minimizes drop ρ to 0,791 ± 0,032 (p> 0,1 relatively intact and <0.02 relative to the control group), again almost without affecting r (0,071 ± 0,015), i.e. disharmonizing limits the effects of stress by 13% 370 (to 0,720 ± 0,032). This ability of the healing water is almost similar to that of ginseng: ρ = 0,783 ± 0,068; r = 0,084 ± 0,026; (ρ-r) = 0,699 ± 0,068, which is a further testament to its adaptogenic properties identified in our previous studies, which determine the Naftusia therapeutic efficacy in many diseases (ІL Popovich, 2011)».

Повністю із текстом наукового дослідження «Іmplication of harmony conception for quantitative estimation of perfection of living organisms» (англійською мовою) можна ознайомитися за посиланням http://depot.ceon.pl/bitstream/handle/123456789/2653/315.pdf?sequence=1 Також інформуємо, що в №№ 4 і 5 наукового видання «Journal of Health Sciences» опубліковані інші статі Ігоря Поповича на тему Нафтусі.

Підготував В. Ключак

(Переглядів 43 , 1 переглядів сьогодні)


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